ICFM6 - International Conference On Flood Management

Data: 17/09/2014 à 19/09/2014
Local: São Paulo - Brazil

Using Mohid Simulation as a Flood Management Tool for Urban Channel in Rio Das Ostras / Rj (PAP014916)




Marcos da Silva Lourenço, Jader Lugon Junior, Haydda Manolla Chaves da Hora, WAGNER RAMBALDI TELLES, Pedro Paulo Watts Rodrigues


Urban Floods


This paper aims to present the use of MOHID software as a technique for flood management for the Coruja Channel in Rio das Ostras. Such critical events often occurs caused by the expansion and densification of cities disregarding the Discipline "Urban Drainage", poorly managed trash, inadequacy of older structures to the current flow demands and others of climatic nature. The technique for the management of urban flooding typically uses models of reality, which can be iconic, reduced or computational. Computational models based on fluid mechanics equations are preferred to treat "runoff of rainfall" event. Once well established the geometry and flow characteristics the model is able to describe the flow at every instant at any point in the basin, thus being able to simulate the consequences of various fictional scenarios with speed and economy. MOHID - Water Modeling System - use 4 graphical interfaces for processing the following numerical programs: The "Water ", the "Land ", "River Network" and "Soil". Respectively simulate bodies of surface water, river basins, river networks and the percolation of water into the soil. They are integrated by MOHID GUI application that manages the data entered into the system through MOHID GIS. The basin geometry can be extracted from existing plants for cities. These plans, drawn up by aerial photogrammetric restitution processes in the 1:2000 original scale, have accuracy specifications and scope consistent with the requirements for an adequate base map study of the urban drainage system. We will describe a method for automatic coupling of the digital files of these pre - existing plants to obtain and applications of hydrodynamic models of urban watersheds in MOHID. The list of XYZ coordinates of points used by MOHID to do the Digital Terrain Model (DTM) can be extracted directly from the text file corresponding digital CAD file. Thus, with a simple and automatic text edits files and / or spreadsheet operations, the data formatted for MOHID GIS are obtained. After some processing, the cell grid with convenient size and format is formed up, containing the altitudes of the land in the study (DTM). Ditches, channels, receptors bodies and street cabinets; should have their quotas corrected by adopting "off -sets" for each case. The land uses are assigned to each cell according to its position in the grid. A network of underground drainage is inserted by the positions and depths of its nodes and dimensions of tubes or galleries. The Corujas Channel in Rio das Ostras - RJ was chosen to be studied, because of its local importance and necessary data is available. This is an urban watershed that aggregates much of the physical and socio-economic characteristics that can be found in any urban watershed. The pointed basin was the object of description, studies and proposals in the Master Plan of Drainage of Rio das Ostras in 2006.

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