ICFM6 - International Conference On Flood Management

Data: 17/09/2014 à 19/09/2014
Local: São Paulo - Brazil

Planning for Mobility of Communities in Rural Basins Without Monitoring in Watercourses (PAP014882)




Alessandro Carvalho Miola, Geraldo Lopes da Silveira


Flood resilient societies through community preparedness


In a typical rural catchment area of the Central Region of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, this paper researched ways to prevent the lack of mobility of the population during and after flood events. The studies demonstrated the feasibility of developing a system to support civil defense, able to indicate areas of safety from flooding scenarios, based on past occurrences. The floods develop rapidly in space, especially in watersheds with headwaters in mountainous areas and downstream floodplains. Under these conditions, the rural population must be prepared beforehand, because the damage is compounded by the flood on roads, bridges or pipes. The method considered the stretches of roads were flooded, including bridges, culverts, slabs, small bridges and sites near watercourses, broken or clogged by the force of the stream flooding in the past. In these places the water left marks that were georeferenced and topographically leveled. This made it possible to delimit the flooded areas, linking them to their cause rainfall recorded in the last fifty years. This approach allowed spatially simulate the effects of storms similar to those that have caused damages to the rural road network and, thus, identify and quantify the local and stretches of roads that can be submerged. Also, identified strategic locations to monitor the level of local watercourses - the bridges. In these locations were obtained levels of floods that occurred in the last decade, which have been applied in the setting of simulated flood areas. The system has integrated the physical data of the basin, the demarcation of floodplains and time series of precipitation, generating strategic information for floods and flooding in a rural watershed.

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