Data: 17/09/2014 à 19/09/2014
Local: São Paulo - Brazil
Comparative Study of the Hydraulic Efficiency of 2 Tipes of Permeable Pavement. (PAP014864)
Liliane Lopes Costa Alves Pinto, José Rodolfo Scarati Martins, Rubem L. Porto, Carlos Yukio Suzuki
Urban Floods
The imperviousness of the soil causes the accelerating of the flow with the decrease in transit times and the increase of peak flows. The occurrence of flooding in areas not previously affected is getting more frequently. The imperviousness of large areas that may interfere with the hydrological conditions of a region should be analyzed by the technicians. This study is proposing the adoption of a compensatory technique that has proved very efficient. This is the permeable pavement without infiltration into the soil. This device was implanted in a conventional way in a parking lot at the University of São Paulo (Brazil) with the financial support of the São Paulo City Hall. Two types of permeable pavements covered with permeable interlocking concrete pavement and porous pavement were monitored during a period of 6 months. The instrumentation consisted of a rain collector and four level sensors installed in collection boxes provided with spillways. At the end of the studies, it was concluded that the performance of permeable pavement for the two types of structures monitored resulted in weakening of flow between 28% and 87% in the permeable interlocking concrete pavement and 56% and 85% in the porous pavement. Therefore, this type of device was very effective.