Data: 17/09/2014 à 19/09/2014
Local: São Paulo - Brazil
Comparison of Methods for Rainwater Tank Sizing for Sites of the State of Pernambuco (PAP014814)
Artur Paiva Coutinho, Suzana Maria Gico Lima Montenegro, Antônio Celso Dantas Antonino, Jaime Joaquim da Silva Pereira Cabral, Tássia dos Anjos Tenório de Melo
Flood risk management in mega cities
The quantification of the volumes of reservoirs to use systems of rainwater involves different aspects such as the service demand and water sustainability. In this context, this study aims at comparing three methods of reservoir design. Design methods recommended by Annex A of the Rainwater Brazilian Standard - Exploitation of coverage in urban areas for non-potable purposes - NBR 15527 (ABNT, 2007), Fendrich and Monte Carlo Methods were analyzed. The comparative analysis consisted of simulating the application of design methods for different cities of meso-regions of the state of Pernambuco for a situation of non-potable use (discharge of the toilet flushing). The application of the methodologies presented reservoirs with capacity ranging from 2 m³ to 60 m³ of water.