ICFM6 - International Conference On Flood Management

Data: 17/09/2014 à 19/09/2014
Local: São Paulo - Brazil

Flood Protection System in Franco Da Rocha, Sp, Brazil. (PAP014810)




Gustavo Coelho, Bruno Gomez Leguizamon Bertoni, ADRIANO RICARDO ESTEVAM, Julio Fracarolli Canholi, Melissa Cristina Pereira Graciosa, Roberto Falanque, José Roberto dos Santos Vieira, Ruy Juji Kubota, Aluisio Pardo Canholi


Urban Floods


This paper intends to discuss the interventions suggested to protect Franco da Rocha city (Sao Paulo state, Brazil) from flood events. The city is located at Juqueri River watershed and has its main urban area concentrated at a confluence between Juqueri River and Eusebio stream. Juqueri's drainage area is about 318 km2 and it has a flow regulation capacity for water supply around 2 m3/s. Upstream the river there is a reservoir area, Paiva Castro Reservoir. The proposed system is composed by four detention basins in Eusebio stream, with a total volume of 603.000m3, to reduce peak flow and minimize downstream flood problems. In Franco da Rocha downtown, a complementary system to protect low areas was alreadY developed. This system is composed by a polder along both margins, readjustment of minor drainage system to collect stormwater under inundation, elevation to redirect flow to two small reservoirs and redirect the drainage system upper the inundation level straight to the streams

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