ICFM6 - International Conference On Flood Management

Data: 17/09/2014 à 19/09/2014
Local: São Paulo - Brazil

Historical Assessment of Land Use Change Impact on the Urban Inundation Conditions (PAP014708)




Pingping Luo, Kaoru Takara, Bin He, APIP, Maochuan Hu, Weili Duan


Urban Floods


In recent years, the urban flash floods are often occurred due to the extreme events. The flood inundation in urban area caused a lot of economic loss and death. Inundation simulation is very import for flood risk management to reduce the damage and economic loss and provide escape information of flood disaster. To analysis the long-term land use change in urban flood disaster, the paleo-inundation as a part of paleo-flood hydrology study is calculated under the historical events by using the historical information and modern methods. In this study, the main objectives are to reconstruct the paleo-inundation condition under the historical events and environment, link the grid-based rainfall-runoff model with the inundation model in the historical period, assess the effect of land use change on urban inundation, and give a discussion on the basic process of paleo-hydrology and paleo-inundation assessment. The results of the paleo-inundation plays an important role on reconstructing the flooding and damage conditions, evaluating the historical flood control policy, providing the experiences of historical flood risk management and escape technology.

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