ICFM6 - International Conference On Flood Management

Data: 17/09/2014 à 19/09/2014
Local: São Paulo - Brazil

The Total Volume Runoff Prediction Value During Snowmelt Period and Application to Riparian Forest Management (PAP014361)




hiroki yabe


Impact of climate change on flood risk


It is necessary to prevent flooding during snowmelt time, there are examples of control of water resources that takes advantage of snowmelt discharge in the watershed, where such discharge constitutes a large proportion of total volume. It is important to estimate the total amount of snowmelt runoff that flows into dams to support the design of measures against floods triggered by rainfall in the snowmelt season and for efficient use of water resources , river environment management. Overall runoff has a significant impact on discharge downstream of dams, such as when flooding is caused by rain falling on a dam that fills up. In relation to the amount and duration of such downstream discharge, it is increased flood risk and occurred water turbidity, influenced wildlife habitats. The total amount of snowmelt inflow is different weather conditions by precipitation (snowfall), such as air temperaturemade , so these future predictions related with climate change is very important. This study attempts to forecast snow water equivalent using meteorological data of past precipitation? temperature? quantity of solar radiation before snow survey. And the total amount of river runoff is estimated besed on the addition meteorological data after snow survey to the actual measurement data of snow water equivalent. The past pattern of river runoff is classified according to the characteristics of precipitation and snow melting. We can reflect on the prediction of the total volume and time series flow of river runoff. It is possible to predicte the total runoff volume only weather data . Therefore ,this model is able to apply to the future precipitation (snowfall) and air temperature due to climate change. It is clarified how to influence by climate change for each basin correspond to the snowfall and snowmelt characteristics.

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