ICFM6 - International Conference On Flood Management

Data: 17/09/2014 à 19/09/2014
Local: São Paulo - Brazil

Responses to Flood Risk in Small Island States: Adaptation to Sea-Level Rise and Climate Change (PAP014343)




Laurens Speelman


Flood resilient societies through community preparedness


A key impact of climate change for low-lying islands will almost certainly include accelerated coastal erosion and increased flooding from the sea. Emigration and resettlement have often been mentioned as a potential adaptation option to sea-level rise and increased flooding on these islands. Previous studies often focused on calculating the potential number of environmental refugees by projecting physical impacts on coastal societies. However, the response of coastal societies is complex and depends on the interplay between flood risk, sea-level rise, (perceived) risks of both society as well as decision makers, adaptation, and its effects on coastal sediment processes. This research aims to understand the present and future demographics trends and adaptation behaviour in the Republic of Maldives while taking into account the influence of sea-level rise and climate change. Present and historic trends are analysed using historic geographic, environmental, demographic, and socio-economic data. The analysis shows that the most important reasons for migration are related to socio-economic factors such as education and employment. However, the data also shows a clear co-evolution between coastal processes, floods, and adaptive behaviour, such as protection measures and migration, by coastal societies.

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