Data: 17/09/2014 à 19/09/2014
Local: São Paulo - Brazil
Coastal Cities at Risk: Aspects of Vulnerability and Resilience for Vancouver, Canada (PAP014998)
Flood risk management in mega cities
Extreme weather events have always been part of life in Canada, a rugged and vast countrywith enormous variations in geography and climate, from mountains to desert, to prairies to coasts; however,climate change is continually elevating the severity and frequency of the floods, storms and droughts thatCanadians have to weather. Current and projected impacts are driving governments at all levels to developpolicies and plans designed to reduce the vulnerability of communities and industry sectors and strengthentheir resilience, or capacity to cope with weather-related challenges. Of these, flooding has become thebiggest issue, representing the greatest source of insurance claims in Canada in the past few years ascatastrophic events become more common and infrastructure damage increases.