ICFM6 - International Conference On Flood Management

Data: 17/09/2014 à 19/09/2014
Local: São Paulo - Brazil

Real-Time Flood Control by Means of An Improved Mpc-Ga Algorithm and a Fast Conceptual River Model for the Demer Basin in Belgium (PAP014756)




Evert Vermuyten, Bert Van den Zegel, V. Wolfs, P. Meert, P. Willems


Flood forecasting and early warning systems


An important flood control strategy is to install large retention reservoirs in which excessive water can be stored during periods of extreme rainfall. Adjustable weirs regulate these reservoirs. To use the storage capacity of the reservoirs most efficiently, the weirs should be controlled in an optimal way. For that purpose, the technique of MPC-GA has been implemented to minimize the total damage cost in the basin. It generates several future scenarios of gate positions and selects the best scenario, based on simulation results with a conceptual river model. To improve the efficiency of the optimization, a more goal-oriented MPC-GA technique has been developed. This involves grouping of the weirs at different levels and phasing of the optimization process.

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