Data: 17/09/2014 à 19/09/2014
Local: São Paulo - Brazil
Towards a Diversification of Flood Risk Management in Europe: a Reflection on Meta-Governance Challenges (PAP014744)
Carel Dieperink, Dries L. T. Hegger, Peter P. J. Driessen
Urban Floods
Because of climate change, extreme weather events and urban sprawl, urban regionshave to deal with increasing flood risks. It is argued, both in literature and in practice that these riskscan no longer be dealt with by focusing solely on flood defences (building dikes, dams, embankmentsetc.). Actors at various levels (international, European, national as well as regional) wish for and makeefforts at a diversification of Flood Risk Management Strategies (FRMSs). The additional role floodrisk prevention by pro-active spatial planning (building permits), flood retention, flood mitigation (e.g.urban green infrastructures, adaptive buildings), flood preparation and flood recovery can play inimproving a region?s resilience to flooding is widely debated. A diversification of FRMSs will result ingovernance challenges as existing Flood Risk Governance Arrangements (FRGAs) have to bechanged. Scientific literature so far has only addressed each shift ? and the necessary institutionalpreconditions for establishing it ? separately, but has failed to address them in combination.Addressing these challenges asks for an innovative vision and approach. It is however not clear underwhich conditions such an innovative vision and approach can be successful. Our paper therefore aimsto explore these conditions. It does so by presenting a research approach consisting of the four stepsof i) identifying FRMSs, ii) analyzing, iii) explaining and iv) evaluating FRGAs. The approach will beillustrated with a case study, the application of the Dutch policy concept of multi-layered safety in thecity of Dordrecht.