Data: 17/09/2014 à 19/09/2014
Local: São Paulo - Brazil
Flood Estimation Using Inverse Problem Techniques Coupled to Mohid Platform (PAP014743)
WAGNER RAMBALDI TELLES, ANTÔNIO JOSÉ DA SILVA NETO, Pedro Paulo Gomes Watts Rodrigues, Jader Lugon Junior
Urban Floods
In this research the MOHID Waters Modeling System is used in order to predict and analyzethe hydraulic behavior of the main rivers that constitute the Bengalas river Basin, located in NovaFriburgo ? Rio de Janeiro state, which covers the most urbanized city area. For this, techniques to solveInverse Problems were used, more specifically, Luus-Jaakola (LJ) and Particle Collision (PCA)algorithms, coupled to the MOHID platform, in order to determine some of the key parameters required tomodel water bodies and their watersheds. It was used both topographic data from IBGE and also dataprovided by Nova Friburgo city hall, obtained after the preparation of the Stormwater Plan for the regionof interest. With the model calibrated and validated by experimental data it was possible to estimateflooding in this region. It is noteworthy, that this is one of the first applications of MOHID platform to modela mountain river, as well as the first use of inverse techniques coupled to MOHID Land tool. The resultswere satisfactory as an aid to decision making, based on the prevention of damage caused by elevationsof the water level that occurs frequently in Nova Friburgo and also to motivate further studies to improvethis approach.