ICFM6 - International Conference On Flood Management

Data: 17/09/2014 à 19/09/2014
Local: São Paulo - Brazil

Assessment of An on Site Stormwater Detention Reservoir Operation With the Volume Required by Belo Horizonte's Legislation (PAP014706)




Pedro de Paula Drumond


Urban Floods


This article analyses the operation of an OSD tested at laboratory scale, with the volume required by land use and occupation law of Belo Horizonte to compensate the total of waterproofing in a lot of 360 m². The hydrograph generated for the lot under those conditions was simulated for a rainfall for 10 years of Return Time and 30 minutes of duration and the damping provided by the OSD was analyzed for seven different outlet pipe diameters: 3/4(20 mm), 1" (25 mm), 1.1/4" (32 mm), 1.1/2" (40 mm), 2"(50 mm), 2.1/2" (60 mm) and 3"(75 mm). In accordance with the specifications of Sudecap (2008), the minimum diameter of the discharge outlet of the OSD should be 75 mm. The results of the tests showed that the volume defined by the legislation is less than the required to achieve the desired peak flow damping. It was noted also that even if the OSD has a sufficient storage volume, the discharge pipe with a diameter of 3" does not restrict the input hydrograph peak."

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