Data: 17/09/2014 à 19/09/2014
Local: São Paulo - Brazil
From Theory to Practice: Can We Really Value Coastal Flood Impacts? (PAP014681)
Christophe Viavattene, S. Priest, Parker D., Owen D.
Impact of climate change on flood risk
Extremes events in combination with the increasing population on coast, future sea levelrise and the deterioration of coastal defences can lead to catastrophic consequences for the coastalcommunities and their activities. The current paper describes the methodologies used to develop a set ofcoastal vulnerability indicators for receptors exposed in different European sites. A comprehensive andmeaningful understanding of the vulnerability of the coastal system can only be achieved through aholistic analysis of various components of vulnerability. Vulnerability data has primarily been collectedfrom existing European and National datasets supplemented by an exhaustive literature review. Whereasmethods for assessing direct costs to the built environment have been developed in most parts of Europeas a mean of producing cost-benefits assessment of flood risk management project, assessing thepotential impacts on the population and the environment remains rather limited. Much more difficult toevaluate is the dynamic response of the economic, environmental and social systems to this shock sothat the resilience of these systems to external perturbations can be determined. This evaluation remainsnevertheless essential for understanding the sustainability of coastal system in the face of extremethreats. Yet the availability of data for the different vulnerability components is variable. Significant issuesremain in terms of data collection and availability to enable validation and to reduce the uncertaintyassociated with their assessment. Therefore it is often necessary to either use an averaged vulnerabilityindicator or to transfer a specific one from one region to another.