Data: 17/09/2014 à 19/09/2014
Local: São Paulo - Brazil
Adaptive Flood Risk Management for Unbanked Areas in Rotterdam, the Netherlands; Co Creating a Legitimate Strategy for Climate Robust Planning (PAP014332)
Ellen Tromp, M. W. van Buuren, M. Duijn, P. C. van Veelen
Flood risk management in mega cities
Changing climate conditions have major consequences for the unembanked parts of cities in the low-lying Dutch delta. Cities like Dordrecht, Almere and Rotterdam are therefore busy to rethink their local flood risk and spatial planning strategies. In Rotterdam the city government decided in 2010 to rethink flood risk approaches for unembanked areas. The current strategy (to formally oblige elevating ground levels in case of new developments) will not suffice and would be too expensive in the long term. In the last years research was conducted on the region Feijenoord. Within the unembanked area of Feijenoord, Noordereiland and the Kop van Feijenoord are most vulnerable to flooding. Both areas have low ground levels, are expected to flood frequently, and house vulnerable functions on the ground floor. The spectrum of flood adaptive measures, ranging from organisational to physical measures are summarised in a ´toolbox ´. Private parties are responsible for most of the small-scale measures whereas public authorities are generally responsible for measures on the district-scale. Stakeholder participation to create an adaptive strategy is imminent. The toolbox led to the identification of possible strategies for flood risk management. This two strategies lead toIn this paper a description is given on how, from the start, these adaptive strategies for flood risk management are co created with all relevant stakeholders. In different stages of this research, different interdisciplinairy teams were involved. This process led to the formulation of new research questions. More insight is given in how the adaptation tipping points research resulted in the two leading adaptive strategies. Three steps were identified which lead in the end to a long term adaptation strategy. All three steps will be (briefly) described in this paper. The so-called adaption pathways were developed. This formed a base for drafting two adaptive flood risk management strategies. Co creation already took place in this stage, although not all stakeholders were part of this stage. Last but not least a governance strategy was co-created with stakeholders which has to enable the implementation of these strategies. In this paper we answer the question in which factors influence the success of using co-creation with local stakeholders to develop adaptive flood risk management strategies.