XIV ENES - Encontro Nacional de Engenharia de Sedimentos

Data: 09/11/2020 à 11/11/2020
Local: Campinas/SP
ISSN: 2359-2141
Mais informações: http://www.abrhidro.org.br/xivenes

Análise Comparativa entre Dados Hidrossedimentológicos após a Implementação de um Reservatório: Estudo de caso




Nelson Pereira de Castro, Anielli Cruz, CRISTIANO POLETO, Felippe Fernandes




The design of a reservoir, being effective for the most diversified purposes, such as a dam for hydroelectric power generation, supply or leisure, can lead to hydrodynamic, hydrosedimentological and morphological changes in the watercourse and in the watershed in which it is located allowing changes in flow regimes and in the solid discharges upstream and downstream of the dam. This paper aims to present the sedimentological data and comparative analyzes between reference values for the watershed´s PCH Victor Baptista Adami reservoir, located in the northern region of the state of Santa Catarina. For the comparative analysis, the data contained in the diagnosis related to sediment production, ordered by ELETROBRÁS in 1998, were used, while the data on suspended and bottom sediments, concentration and granulometry, are derived from our hydrosedimentological monitoring. It was observed that among the history after the Chapecó River dam, the month that presented the highest concentration of sediments was in October 2018 (70.14 mg/l), also with the record of greater solid discharge in suspension and total solid discharge (904.53 T/day and 1193.42 T/day respectively). Such measures also make it possible to correlate the data and make a more effective comparison of the pre and post implantation of it. In addition, it offers a real overview of the hydrosedimentological conditions about effects of dams´implantation.

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