XIV ENES - Encontro Nacional de Engenharia de Sedimentos

Data: 09/11/2020 à 11/11/2020
Local: Campinas/SP
ISSN: 2359-2141
Mais informações: http://www.abrhidro.org.br/xivenes

Determinação da carga de sólidos totais em suspensão em cursos hídricos por meio de abordagem empírica




Phelipe da Silva Anjinho, Gabriela Leite Neves, Mariana Abibi Guimarães Araujo Barbosa, Denise Parizotto, Allita Rezende dos Santos, Thiago Alves dos Santos, Frederico Fabio Mauad




Hydro-sedimentological modelling is an important tool to assess and understand sediment and pollutant dynamics in river basins. This study aims to simulate suspended sediment concentration (SSC) load in watercourses of the Lobo Stream Drainage Basin (LSDB), located in the interior São Paulo State, through empirical modelling in GIS software environment. Land use, topography and average SSC export coefficients data were used to quantify the SSC load generated from the areas of the basin. The results show that the model was not able to estimate the SSC load in LSDB watercourses. Although the observed and simulated data showed a good fit (r² = 0.92 ), a comparative analysis showed that the model overestimated the observed data, with a Pbias value equal to 1208.66% and REQM equal to 719 ton.year-1.

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