XXIII SBRH - Simpósio Brasileiro de Recursos Hídricos

Data: 24/11/2019 à 28/11/2019
Local: Foz do Iguaçu - PR
ISSN: 2318-0358
Mais informações: https://eventos.abrh.org.br/xxiiisbrh/

Hydrological modelling parameters transfer of a Hydrosedimentological Response Units map




RENATA BARAO ROSSONI, Fernando Mainardi Fan


Modelagem Hidrossedimentológica


The use of numerical modeling of flow and sediment transport in rivers has been applied as a major research tool to explain and resolve river engineering problems. However, with the improvement of the researches, it is necessary to modify the factors of influence, as the Hydrological Response Unit map, using in discretization of the sub-basins, to have better models and improve the processes of simulating, as calibration and validation. But, this kind of change could bring doubt about the credibility of the model. In this context, this work aims to answer if, changing the HRU map, the model maintains its credibility and quality. The previous results presented that there is an improvement when we validate the model with the "Proxy-basin Test".

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