XXIII SBRH - Simpósio Brasileiro de Recursos Hídricos

Data: 24/11/2019 à 28/11/2019
Local: Foz do Iguaçu - PR
ISSN: 2318-0358
Mais informações: https://eventos.abrh.org.br/xxiiisbrh/

Coincident Frequency Analysis of the Tucuruí Reservoir Stage and Discharge of the Tocantins River




Renato Souza Amorim, Ana Luisa Nunes de Alencar Osorio, William Veatch, Matthew Dircksen, Calvin Creech


02 - Hidrologia


This paper describes the development of a coincident frequency analysis approach to calculate a Low Water Reference Plane (LWRP) for a 35 km reach of the Tocantins River. The coincident frequencies of the Tucuruí Reservoir stage and the Tocantins River discharge were specifically investigated. At the upstream end of the Tucuruí reservoir a large rock excavation project for improving navigation reliability is proposed by the Brazilian National Department of Transportation Infrastructure (DNIT). The design reliability of the navigation channel is a 96% exceedance stage; however, the river stages through the rock site (known as Pedral do Lourenço) is a function of both the Tucuruí Reservoir elevation and the discharge of the Tocantins River. The coincident frequency analysis leveraged a one-dimensional hydraulic model to calculate the response surfaces along the longitudinal profile of the Tocantins River.

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