Data: 04/11/2024 à 07/11/2024
Local: Florianópolis-SC
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Implementation of hydrological processes and agricultural management options into the AgroHyd Farmmodel to improve the water productivity at farm scale
PD Dr. Katrin Drastig, Uwe Hunstock, Stephan Hantigk, Sofia Helena Zanella Carra, Annete Prochnow
WG 2.6: Water systems analysis for integrated planning & management
To meet the food needs of a growing world population, the productivity of agricultural water use for food production must be increased at the farm level. A modeling tool has been developed to quantify water use, i.e. the use of precipitation, soil water and technical water at the farm level, and to calculate water use indicators based on farm data. Water productivity is used as an indicator of yield improvement ("more crop per drop") as it shows the relationship between water consumption + water withdrawal (m³) and the products produced on the farm (e.g. expressed as kg of crop, kg of feed, kg of milk or kg of meat). This approach has been combined e.g. with the guidelines developed by an FAO working group for the assessment of water use in agricultural systems and supply chains. Over the last two decades, very different approaches have developed, leading to very different results. There was therefore a need to develop and agree international standards.