9th International Symposium on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) | 14th International Workshop on Statistical Hydrology (STAHY) | I EBHE - Encontro Brasileiro de Hidrologia Estatística

Data: 04/11/2024 à 07/11/2024
Local: Florianópolis-SC
Mais informações: https://www.abrhidro.org.br/iebhe

How to improve the Ecosystem and Resilience dimensions of Water Security Index using quality education for disaster risk reduction?




Denise Taffarello, Marcos Roberto Benso, Suzana Maria Gico Lima Montenegro, Jamil Alexandre Ayach Anache, MARIA DO CARMO CALIJURI, Adelaide Cássia Nardocci, Eduardo Mário Mendiondo


WG 3.3: Co-Creating Water Knowledge


Faced with the increasingly imminent environmental and humanitarian crises, there is an urgent need for better education for sustainability. In this context, Environmental Education, when related to climate change is an awareness tool. Education actions in the context of disaster risk reduction such as measures for extreme events protection, healthy promotion and ecosystems protection are still scarce in Brazil. The National Water and Basic Sanitation Agency (ANA) developed the Water Security Index (ISH), which encompasses four dimensions of water security aiming the integrated water resources management: human, economic, resilience and ecosystem. In the context of the Nat. Inst. Sci. & Tecn. (INCT) Observatory of Water Security & Adaptive Mgmt (https://onseadapta.org), this paper identifies challenges for research and practice on how to improve the ISH-ANA focused on its resilience and ecosystem dimensions through education. We explore the following scientific questions: 1) in what manner do local stakeholders contribute to adaptive IWRM through the promoting ecosystem services in tropical river basins?, and 2) how to scale up their contributions to improve the Ecosystem and Resilience Dimensions of the ISH using quality education for disaster risk reduction? The methodology is divided in two steps. In the Step 1: Ecosystem Dimension, we explore the links between ?ecosystem services?, ?ecosystems? and ?human behavior? present in the scientific literature, and report the experience through a pedagogical local project titled ?Árvores da amizade e Água: preservar para não faltar!? applied at elementary schools in Analândia municipality, São Paulo state, Brazil. Thus, we use an approach of linking Science, Technology, Society and Environment Education for adaptation to climate change impacts at a local scale and with infographics built about the bibliographic review. We demonstrate how science teaching can be enhanced through not only field research but also inquiry-based teaching to provoke human behavior changes related to nature and better preparation to face extreme events. In the Step 2: Resilience Dimension, we seek the factors affecting resilience, such as ?water scarcity?, "school and education? (i.e. number of teachers, students, schools), (3) water-related disasters (disaster risk areas, from BATER datasets and municipalities monitored by the National Center for Monitoring and Early Warning of Natural Disasters ? CEMADEN; number of hydrological stations for disaster risk monitoring), and ?environmental? elements (i.e. forested area). The factors are analyzed through factor analysis on mixed data (FAMD), with principal components, containining quantitative and qualitative variables. This analysis generate a new index of water resilience, school and education with five classes. Since very high confidence was noted to increase future health risks relating more intense heat waves and fires, malnutrition in poor regions, food and waterborne diseases, in the next phase we will estabilish the connection between human population health, education and climate change. The research can build future pathways for the risk to adaptation and resilience transition at the environment-health-ecosystem services nexus.

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