XXV SBRH - Simpósio Brasileiro de Recursos Hídricos

Data: 19/11/2023 à 24/11/2023
Local: Centro de Convenções AM Malls - Sergipe
ISSN: 2318-0358
Mais informações: http://www.abrhidro.org.br/xxvsbrh

Macroinvertebrate-Based Assessment of Water Quality: Insights from creeks in Permanent Protection Areas




Jose Antonio Calvetty Ayllon, Jose Gescilam Sousa Mota Uchoa, Karen Tavares Zambrano, IRINA R. MAS, LIVIA R. SILVA, LAILA F. O. ASSIS, BEATRIZ E. BARBOSA, DANIEL ABRAHÃO, Davi G. F. Cunha, Edson Cezar Wendland, JULIANO JOSÉ CORBI - PROEX


06 - Biomas Especiais e Ecossistemas Aquáticos


Understanding the ecological health of streams in Brazil's Permanent Preservation Areas (PPAs) is crucial for effective conservation and management strategies. In this study, we investigated the water quality of three streams in São Carlos city, São Paulo, by utilizing macroinvertebrate communities as bioindicators. Our research focused on elucidating the taxonomy of key macroinvertebrate species and exploring their associations with physical and chemical indicators of water quality. By employing standard sampling techniques, we collected macroinvertebrates from the study sites and classified them into families. Subsequently, we employed a range of community metrics, including richness indices, diversity indices, and specific ratios, to evaluate the health of the streams. In conjunction with these biological assessments, we conducted on-site measurements of crucial physical and chemical properties of water, encompassing temperature, conductivity, total dissolved solids, and dissolved oxygen. The correlation between macroinvertebrate communities and water quality parameters elucidates the intricate interplay between biological and environmental factors. This research highlights the potential of macroinvertebrate bioindicators in informing future water quality monitoring efforts, particularly in protected areas. By employing a comprehensive approach that integrates taxonomic analysis, community metrics, and physical-chemical assessments, we provide preliminary insights into the ecological health of streams in Brazil's PPAs. These preliminary findings serve as a stepping stone for future research and monitoring initiatives, facilitating informed decision-making to ensure the conservation and preservation of these vital aquatic ecosystems.

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