XXV SBRH - Simpósio Brasileiro de Recursos Hídricos

Data: 19/11/2023 à 24/11/2023
Local: Centro de Convenções AM Malls - Sergipe
ISSN: 2318-0358
Mais informações: http://www.abrhidro.org.br/xxvsbrh

Computational Simulation of the Flow Inducedby Water Leaks in Pipes




Jose Gescilam Sousa Mota Uchoa, IRAN EDUARDO LIMA NETO, Tingchao Yu, Shao Yu


STE18 - Modelagem Numérica e Física de Escoamentos


Despite recent advances in leak detection in water supply systems, previous studies focused mainly on material aspects or orifice opening characteristics. This study evaluated geometric, hydraulic, and hydrodynamic factors influencing on water leaks using threedimensional (3D) computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. The simulated discharge coefficient (Cd) had a maximum absolute deviation of 8% compared with experimental data. The results indicated that the variation of Cd as a function of the diameter and orifice size can be attributed to the effect of tube curvature on flow convergence through the orifice. The statistical analysis concluded that the orificeto-pipe diameter ratio d=D is the best dimensionless parameter that explains this phenomenon, which agreed with the analyses of the streamlines and turbulent eddy dissipation rate in the simulations. Other important dimensionless parameter are the ratio of the pressure head differential at the orifice to the pipe diameter ?H/D, Reynolds number (R), and the ratio of the pressure head differential at the orifice to the wall thickness ?H/e, in order of relevance. A set of empirical correlations was elaborated through a nonlinear multiple regression analysis with Reynolds numbers ranging between 12,000 and 52,000, and pressure head differential ranging from 1 to 45 m. This study advances the knowledge of cross-flows through orifices, and the proposed correlations potentially can improve the prediction of water leaks in pipes. DOI:10.1061/JIDEDH.IRENG-10089. © 2023 American Society of Civil Engineers

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