XXV SBRH - Simpósio Brasileiro de Recursos Hídricos

Data: 19/11/2023 à 24/11/2023
Local: Centro de Convenções AM Malls - Sergipe
ISSN: 2318-0358
Mais informações: http://www.abrhidro.org.br/xxvsbrh

Uncovering the Hidden Risks of Reduced Streamflow to Brazil's Aquifers




Jose Gescilam Sousa Mota Uchoa, Paulo Tarso Sanches de Oliveira, André Simões Ballarin, Scott Jasechko, Alan Reis, Luis Eduardo Bertotto, Rubens Takeji Aoki Araujo Martins, Abderraman Róger Amorim Brandão, Érick Rúbens Oliveira Cobalchini, Edson Cezar Wendland


14 - Gestão do Território e Disponibilidade da Água


In recent years, there has been growing interest in understanding the interactions between surface and groundwater in Brazil, particularly in the context of water resources management. Despite numerous local studies, a comprehensive national analysis has not yet been fully explored due to challenges in accessing groundwater data and limited information on water bodies. In this study, we present a simple methodology for analyzing river-aquifer interactions on a national scale using the hydraulic gradient between the water table and the nearest river. Our analysis of over 3300 rivers found that approximately 55% are losing water to the underlying aquifer, highlighting the importance of considering these dynamics in water management plans. Sensitivity analyses were conducted to ensure the robustness of our findings despite the limitations imposed by a national scale work. Our results align with previous regional studies and underscore the need for further research and management efforts to address the complex interplay between surface and groundwater in Brazil.

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