XXIV SBRH - Simpósio Brasileiro de Recursos Hídricos

Data: 21/11/2021 à 26/11/2021
ISSN: 2318-0358
Mais informações: http://www.abrhidro.org.br/xxivsbrh

High-resolution soil erodibility map of Brazil




Paulo Tarso Sanches de Oliveira, Raquel de Faria Godoi, Dulce Buchala Bicca Rodrigues, Pasquale Borrelli


SE03.C - Modelagem hidrossedimentológica


Large-scale soil erosion modeling has a crucial role in the understanding and planning of soil and water conservation strategies. The lack of spatial data on soil characteristics required to compute soil erodibility (K-factor) has been one of the greatest obstacles in Brazil. The K-factor is a complex property that expresses the susceptibility of soil to erode according to its inherent characteristics. This factor is a key input parameter for the most widely applied soil erosion models: the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) and the Revised USLE (RUSLE). Here, we computed a high-resolution (250 m cell size) spatially explicit soil erodibility map across Brazil. To compute the K-factor, we applied the equation originally proposed in the USLE nomograph, using the following soil properties, organic matter content, soil texture, soil structure, and permeability. To qualitatively evaluate our new K-factor map, its values were compared against standard K-factor values obtained from experimental plots across Brazil. We found that the USLE nomograph is a good estimator of K-factor for Brazilian soils. The K-factor estimates range from 0.0002 to 0.0636 t ha h ha?1 MJ?1 mm?1, with a mean value of 0.0181 t ha h ha?1 MJ?1 mm?1. Our findings pave the way for a better understanding of soil erosion across multiple scales and thereby contributing to better land-use planning and management in Brazil. The dataset is freely available at doi:https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4279869

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