ICFM6 - International Conference On Flood Management

Data: 17/09/2014 à 19/09/2014
Local: São Paulo - Brazil

Urban Flooding and Ground-Related Homes in Canada: An Overview (PAP014310)




Dan Sandink


Urban Floods


Urban flooding associated with extreme precipitation is a significant cause of disaster damages for municipalities, homeowners and insurers in Canada. Over the past few years, Canadian insurers have seen dozens of individual urban flood events that have resulted in millions of dollars in payouts. Losses associated with urban flooding are expected to increase over the coming years as a result of increasing urbanization, deteriorating infrastructure and the expected impacts of climate change on precipitation regimes across the country. Several approaches have been applied to reduce risk associated with urban flooding at the municipal and homeowner scales, including limiting excess water contributions to municipal sanitary sewer systems, accommodating extreme stormwater flows in subdivision design, and protecting individual homes from flooding. Insurers have also become engaged in managing this risk through interactions with individual policy holders, and have been involved in a number of initiatives aimed at better understanding urban flood risk and risk mitigation options in Canada.

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